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Latest Canada Passport Waiting Times

If you are looking to find out how long it takes to get a passport you are in the right place. We provide daily updates of the average Canada Passport wait time. We provide averages for first passports, renewals, child passports for both standard and express services

Below you will be able to view all the latest passport processing times. We calculate the average from recent applicants timelines that we crowd source via this website and social media.

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Latest Passport Waiting Times

Current average passport processing times are displayed below.
How long did it take for your passport to arrive? Help to keep our average as accurate as possible.

How does this work?

Canadian Passport Processing Time

We crowd source data via our website and also Twitter to provide you with an estimate of what the current Canadian Passport processing time is. Whilst it is not a precise indication of when you will receive your passport it will certainly give you some idea of how long you may need to wait based on other people who have recently applied and received their passport.  We provide daily updates of passport processing times and also feedback, tips and advice about applying for your passport.

We provide average Canadian Passport waiting times for Express and Standard applications for Adult and Child 1st passports and renewals.

Once you have received your passport we would really appreciate it if you could tell us how long your passport took. The more submissions we get makes our crowd sourced average as accurate as possible,

Passport Processing Timeline

We calculate an average of the last 31 days of user tweets and website submissions to display a passport processing timeline.
Waiting for you passport, especially if you have already booked your vacation, can be very stressful so hopefully with the help of our contributors our figure can give you a fairly accurate indication.


Canadian Passport Applications

How long does it take to get a Canada Passport?

We work out an average of how long it takes to get a Canada passport from our user data.

On the Government of Canada website you can view the estimated times the government advise. This includes urgent, express and standard applications. Whilst this does serve as a guideline, processing times can vary depending on time of year, agency and how many passports they need to process. Therefore our crowd sourced average gives a much more accurate indication of how long it takes to get a passport in Canada.

Please contribute to our data

How long did your passport take to arrive?

This site would not work without the contributions from other users.

The reason you are here is because you want to know how long your passport will take to arrive. If you have received your passport and have used this site then why not help others and be part of our calculation.

Another reason to contribute is we have created lots of interest with our concept in the travel industry. By contributing you will be in line for some exclusive travel discounts. To receive these offers from our travel providers please submit your email address (optional).


    Please submit total calendar days from the day your applied to the day you received your passport

    Type of Application

    Which service did you use?

    Passport Application Date

    Passport Received Date

    Overall Experience

    Optional Comments (selected comments may appear on our experiences page)

    Email to enter our draw to win $50 monthly Amazon voucher (Optional)

    Current Average Canada Passport Processing Times

    How long does it take to get a Passport?

    First Adult Passport

    19 days

    Adult Passport Renewal

    17 days

    Child Passport

    16 Days

    First Adult Passport


    Adult Passport Renewal

    12 days

    Child Passport


    All of the times shown are averages that have been crowd sourced from other users via this website and also Twitter.
    We are an independent website and have no link with The Government of Canada

    Canadian Passport Delays

    Due to a big increase in demand it is evident from the data we receive there are currently some delays on Canadian Passport applications.

    To help with the backlog The Government of Canada has introduced methods to help applicants get their passport quicker. Some of these measure include additional staff to passport offices and simplified methods for making appointments and submitting supporting documents. Our data is a good indication of the current situation and will hopefully help to remove stress from people who are soon to travel.

    How long does it take to renew a passport?

    We display data for Canada adult passport renewal timing and also child passport processing times. Passport renewal time is calculated from when you mail your application to the date that you actually receive it back. Passport renewal timing does tend to be very slightly quicker than first passport applications according to the data we receive. The figure in the table above show current renewal times which is updated every 2-3 days.

    Contribute to Canada Passport Waiting Times

    There are 2 ways to share your experience. It you are an avid Tweeter you can simply use the hashtag #canpassporttime and tweet the number of days (not weeks) it took for your passport to arrive from your application. If you would rather be more anonymous you can fill out the form in the right margin of this page.

    Types of Passport Application

    We provide average passport processing times for  Adult Renewals, First Adult Passport and Child Passports.  Generally these times are not too far apart but by crowd sourcing we can provide a fairly accurate passport turnaround time for each type of application. The Government of Canada do offer guidelines for each of these passport applications but this does not reflect busy times of the year whereas our average is updated every 2 to 3 days depending on amount of data received.

    What is the average waiting time for a Canadian Passport?

    The figure in our title above shows you the latest average waiting time for a Canadian passport. This is updated on a daily basis after a calculation of the last 30 days of user data.

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